Tuesday, September 8, 2009

New Beginnings

As of today, I was hired for a new job. This was the result of all that testing I wrote about in the previous post. I start training on Monday.

My daughter went to her new preschool class for the first time today, and was very excited to do so. Tomorrow will be her first solo day on the bus. My son began 1st grade today, and was extremely excited to do so. My husband is officially done with the job he's had for almost 10 years, and began his first day as a full time college student today. He was also extremely excited to do so. We had so many long awaited new beginnings begin today.

A while back, there was a discussion at Threads (www.threadschurch.org) about where we're each at with the condition of our sails. In its more basic componants, it was looking at your life as being in a boat, and how you were going about steering it. Waiting on God to do his thing with your life is a lot like raising the sail of a sailboat on a windless day. You don't know exactly when that wind is going to come, but if you're going to keep the sail up, you better be holding on to your boat. When that wind comes, you don't want to be left behind.

Being asked if I would accept this new job on this day of firsts is meaningful to me. See, I'd been a bit in denial about the whole process, and had fallen behind in the original plans my spouse and I had made about what steps I would take in searching for a job. I've been very focused in the search in the last month, but I wasn't as far as we'd hoped I'd be by this time. Of all the different places I've submitted resumes, this is the one place that was actually excited about me from their first contact. They were the only place I didn't have to sell myself to, they were already buying. At each stage of the process, they mentioned that I'd likely be contacted within a week or so, but each time they ended up calling me back to confirm the next stage that very same day. In this economy, that's unusual. But the timing of it all coming together today, on this day of firsts,...seems very symbolic to me.

We still have one part to figure out, with making some daycare arrangements on the days that my husband's classes fall. Normally, not having this all figured out ahead of time would leave me in a state of panic attacks. My spouse and I will be going over our options to figure this out, its just weird that I'm not in my usual familiar state of anxiety. This is very odd for me, but I think I just don't have the space for the worry this time.

I'm too busy just holding on to the boat.


ally pye said...

Michelle, thanks for stopping by my blog! I love yours too, I am going back to it to check out the link on Sensory Processing Disorder, we are trying to get Lucas a referral for an OT to see if things get better on that front. How exciting that you have a new job! It must be energizing for you and John to be entering this new phase in your life!

K.I.P. said...


Congratulations! Wow, does this job seem like a God thing or what? That is awesome.

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About marriage, motherhood, dealing with autism, figuring out the path before you, and whatever right-brain thoughts happen to pop in along the way.

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